Amnesty International - Abused Red Ridinghood / Abused Snow White- print, Chile

Abused Red Ridinghood

A bleeding snow white and a scratched red ridinghood from Unitas/RNL, Santiago for Amnesty international to highlight abuse against women. I don't understand why both lines involve "daddy" and "mom reading a fairy tale" , but life is clearly not like the fairy tales. We'd get PETA on our ass if we fed a live wolf rocks and then threw him down a well.

Abused Snow White

Client: Amnistía Internacional
Agency: Unitas/RNL, Santiago

Javiera Eyzaguirre (Photographer)
Alexis Sfeir (Account manager)
Pancho González (Executive Creative Director)
Pancho González (Creative Director)
Rodrigo Geisse (Art Director)
Pancho González (Copywriter)

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