Budweiser “Friends Are Waiting” (2014) :60 (USA)

Mans best friend is a happy golden labrador in this ad (at least I think that adorable puppy is a lab), as he grows up he comforts his human when he has the flu, and takes him on playful runs. He hangs out on the beach, and swims in the summer. He's always with his human... Except when the human is going out to a party and drinking.

Uh-oh. Wait.. Is he coming home? As the dog gives up longing dog-sighs the viewers heartstrings are yanked, if you're a sucker for dogs this will get you.

Don't worry though. The human comes back. I'm not so sure about this ad, have we become a society that cares more about how our abandoned animals feel than how much our own parents, siblings, best friends, children and chosen partners will miss us?

Oh wait, that's it. The dog is the symbolical child. The ad is targeted at the people who don't have any yet. You know, this might just work.

Brand: Budweiser
Agency: Momentum Worldwide
Music: Dan Rodriguez "When you come home"
Anti drinking & driving

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