Canadian networks too chicken to run PETA ads.

Peta have - yet again - had one of their ads refused by a network.

This time it's not too sexy, nor is it using an impotent Santa Claus, nor are they scaring children at the nutcracker show, in their usual shocktactic style.

This time, they are showing the life of a chicken, and the horrible practice of debeaking them so that they won't hurt themselves or other chickens (it also forces finicky animals like turkeys to eat what we damn well feed them, as their beak is now only a scooper). View the Quicktime commercial here at PETA's page. The Television Bureau of Canada decided the commercial was "just too graphic" and would anger Canadian viewers.

"Its depiction of violence to animals has caused us to reject it," the bureau's president, Jim Patterson, said Tuesday.

Well, that's the point - the violence is so awful Peta suggests you go vegan instead.

The chicken debeaking isn't the only shuddering scene, also in the ad, a pig farmer gloats as he smashes what appears to be a concrete block on the head of a downed pig.

News from Cnews Canada.

When PETA sticks strictly to its message, using hidden cameras and documentary footage, it's more shocking than any shock tactic they can think of. Now that is kind of scary.src="" title="60 second superbowl porn ad from PETA">too sexy, nor is it using an impotent Santa Claus, nor are they scaring children at the nutcracker show, in their usual shocktactic style.

This time, they are showing the life of a chicken, and the horrible practice of debeaking them so that they won't hurt themselves or other chickens (it also forces finicky animals like turkeys to eat what we damn well feed them, as their beak is now only a scooper). View the Quicktime commercial here at PETA's page. The Television Bureau of Canada decided the commercial was "just too graphic" and would anger Canadian viewers.

"Its depiction of violence to animals has caused us to reject it," the bureau's president, Jim Patterson, said Tuesday.

Well, that's the point - the violence is so awful Peta suggests you go vegan instead.

The chicken debeaking isn't the only shuddering scene, also in the ad, a pig farmer gloats as he smashes what appears to be a concrete block on the head of a downed pig.

News from Cnews Canada.

When PETA sticks strictly to its message, using hidden cameras and documentary footage, it's more shocking than any shock tactic they can think of. Now that is kind of scary.

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