Decorate your willie with Dickorations!

No longer does your trouser snake need to go naked or unadorned! From tuxedos for those special occasions to superhero capes when a fair maiden needs rescuing, "Dickorations" will have your beef bayonet looking sharp!

"Dickorations" is a new campaign for Durex Condoms running as print in Maxim, FHM, etc and with a web site where you can print out costumes for your, uh, lower member. Both print and online for this campaign was created by Fitzgerald & Company in Atlanta.

Sounds perfect for their target. Although I do have to wonder if any of them will actually print the darn things out and use them. Will they be worried about paper cuts? It reminds me a bit of the Tampax print ad with the paper doll-like clothes for the tampon.

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