Friday fun - the advertising tumblr gif-jokes and ad cartoons

It's time to laugh our heads off at injokes nobody outside of our sad business understands. This advertising life is a gif-snark tumblr where each hilarious anim shows a classic emotion-reaction in advertising. Or: this is what happens when someone comes up behind me when my headphones are on.

Those who know me, know how true this is

There's also what happens in media planning, which we described as something like twelve year old girls with a gif-collection would come up with, but that's just because we loved it. And so did everyone else, it seems as shown in gif "When a Tumblr blog full of animated GIFs consumed by cynical media people gets 100k page views in 6 days (I'm like)"

Go crazy cat, go.

Tumblr is the place to start your jokey site, as it's easy to use and is easy to reblog, as long as you can keep updating it. Here we also find the awesomeworld original ad snark cartoon, with observations from inside ad agencies that we all recognize.

Honorable mention - admen with scarves on indoors. Yes. reklamaremedhalsdukinomhus rules. Check the golden egg award special to see how painfully common this affliction is.

And if you do tumble, so does adland. You can find us and our jokey stuff here.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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