Knight : You don't win silver, you lose gold

Phil Knight, Nike's CEO is heading to Cannes Lions to accept the award "advertiser of the year".

Knight, 65, is the first marketer to get the top nod a second time at the so-called Olympics of Advertising. He also won in 1994, usa today reports.

Roger Hatchuel, Cannes Lions chairman, believes rewarding risk takers like Knight can inspire an ad industry many believe is in a creative slump. "There are no limits to how many Oscars good actors can win. Equally good advertisers should be recognized when their work has been consistently outstanding and innovative," he said in announcing Knight's selection.


Titles: Chairman, co-founder, president and CEO of Nike.
Education: B.S., business administration, University of Oregon (1959); MBA, Stanford University (1962). Also a certified public accountant.

Personal: 65 years old, married, two sons, one daughter.
Wealth: Oregon's sole billionaire; estimated net worth $5 billion (mostly Nike shares).
Interests: An Asia-phile and fan of Japanese business methods, his office and Nike's campus include Japanese design elements, including a rock garden dedicated to Japanese businessmen who gave him a start-up loan when U.S. banks passed. Loves sports cars, tennis, running and golf "depending on whether I want to abuse my elbows, knees or my emotions."

over-blown-known fact: Wrote a $35 check in 1972 to Carolyn Davidson, a Portland State University student, to design the "swoosh" logo. Unimpressed, he said he'd "get used" to the design.

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