A life lived vicariously through spam - malspam headlines are a great source for laughs.

It is Malspam - fake news headlines tempting you to click something you shouldn't and forcefeeding your PC an .exe file that can do bad bad things. The Malspam campaigns began somewhere in June, but haven't dropped off much since from what I can tell.

However, their headlines provide endless laughs! On adlist we've amused ourselves by showing off the funniest headlines we've gotten - can you top any of these? There's a few key players often mentioned, Paris Hilton & Britney Spears reign supreme in the gossip-girl corner, while Bush and Cheney only show up rarely, sometimes even with either Paris or Britney.

Lets see what she's been up to lately, shall we?
"Paris Hilton Had Sex With Aliens" - you know, if we ever get confirmation that there is extraterrestrial life out there, I bet we'll get it in this way.

"Bisexual Paris Hilton likes Bush & Dick" we know that already, oh, did they mean George Bush and Cheney?

A few days later it appears she was feeling sinful, thus: "Paris Hilton Becomes Nun"

The by far scariest one yet, however, has to go to "Paris Hilton to Operate New Atom Smasher". We can't trust her to operate a car people.

Former Pop-diva Britney is repackaging old tricks it seems:

Britney: My Vagina Made Me Shave My Head - I'm trying very hard not to picture that. I don't want to know how that worked. What holds the razor?

"Britney Spears pregnant with antichrist" - I thought she already did that?

The "MSN Breaking News"-spam or CNN.net-spam usually revealed itself in their headlines choice of words. For example:
"MSN Breaking News: Iran Kicks America in the Nuts" - the nuts folks. Well, America does have it's fair share of nuts, I guess.

Of course, we can't escape Paris even here:
"msnbc.com: BREAKING NEWS: Paris Hilton Considered For Mother Teresa Role" - if there is a god he would smite us all for that.

This one is really good: "msnbc.com: BREAKING NEWS: Mike Tyson To Fight Michael Jackson" - what kind of fight? Who can sound most like a little girl? Will Tyson eat Jackson?

Politics and patriotism is always a big click-puller - therefore we get: "New National Anthem Proposed by Bush"

But then the "bizarre" headlines might get you to - how about: "Man killed by flying cocktail glass" - I swear it wasn't me.

Some people are crazier than others.
"S.D. man pleads guillty to harassing deeer" - I wonder what he did to that deer. "Hey doe-eye, you're looking fine today!"

Also - rock out to my home country "Swedish princess slaps town florist". Yeah, even our royals are crazy, that could totally happen.

" Facebook under attack by clones" - if only!

Now, my personal favorite because it is wrong on so many levels.

" Scientiists iisolate animal fart gene"

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