The "Likebelt", like things by thrusting your pelvis at it.

The kids at Deeplocal must have been a litte bored recently, as someone sat down to make the "Like Belt". This fancy giant buckle allows you to "like" things in the real world... By thrusting your pelvis at it. A bit like a misbehaving dog or one of the guys from Wayne's world: SCHWING!. Oh ha ha, very funny - and to make sure you realize how silly this is they took the belt out for a test on the town, liking coffee-shops, checking in at the office and making facebook friends. The best part is when the lady wearing the belt wants to make Facebook friends with the guy she meets.... wait for it.

Another "like" in the real world was when the Coke village used real world Like armbands. No thrusting pelvises needed.

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