mymuesli2go makes skydiving ad shot and edited with an iPhone 4

Max Wittrock has shot and edited a German/Austrian commercial only using his trusty new iPhone 4.

"the idea behind this little project was to use the iPhone's great capabilities to full effect and to create an actual TV-commercial - to be aired on Television for a large audience."

He also notes that there could not be any color corrections, and in the "making of" they added the photos at the end of the clip via iMovie. As for the rest of it, yep, all iPhone. Even the skydiver films himself holding one as he jumps. Good thing he didn't drop it! The cmmercial aired on German TV last Friday, and was aired on Red BULL TV (Austria) on Saturday.

mymuesli2go, a tv commercial - filmed and edited on an iPhone 4 from Max Wittrock on Vimeo.

- shot, edited, directed and produced by Christian Kolb, Daniel Setzermann and Max Wittrock from mymuesli
- sky diver: Bernhard Kurz,
- music (making of): „Man" by Rampa,
- product website:
- mingle your favourite muesli at, a company founded in 2007 by Hubertus Bessau, Philipp Kraiss and Max Wittrock

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