Niel French gets lifetime award at Clios

Neil French - whose own site is among our top-rated adgrunt choice gets a lifetime Garland at the Clio awards.

Rick Boyko, the chief creative officer of Ogilvy & Mather, said: "Neil French, like David Ogilvy, had amassed a lengthy list of careers before entering advertising. Things like a waiter, matador, pornographer, actor, copywriter, and creative director. Fortunately for us, after finding his way into advertising, he found his way into Ogilvy.

Other people with Clio Lifetime Awards include David Abbott and director, Tony Kaye.

The Clio Festival Week will be held in Miami, May 18th -21st this year. Pray it doesn't rain. ;-)

French explains how to write a Newspaper ad at the Newspaper Association of America site where you can also download a printable .pdf of the ads. Other ads in the series are written by other ad-heavy weights Luke Sullivan and Jeff Goodby.

Congrats Frenchie.

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