"Bathroom" (2016) :30 (USA)

Find the house of your dreams. Geddit? He's in a dream. Add he can have a dream bathroom, from his dreams, but in real life. Okay.

Agency: Pereira & O’Dell/NY
ECD: Dave Arnold
Creative Directors: Jake Dubs, Sara Worthington
Copywriter: Michelle Lamont
Art Director: Alex Parodi
Head of Content Production: Tennille Teague
Producer: Gabriela Tamariz

Production Company: Dummy
Director: Harold Einstein
EP: Eric Liney

Editorial Company: Arcade Edit
Editor: Jeff Ferruzzo
Editor: Dave Anderson
Editor: Ali Mao
Assistant Editor: Laurel Smoliar
Managing Partner/EP: Sila Soyer
Senior Producer: Gavin Carroll
Postproduction Company: The Mill
Colorist: Gregory Reese
Audio Postproduction Company: Heard City
Mixers: Philip Loeb, Evan Mangiamele

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