Remember Segregation

DDB Seattle launches their annual (since 1992) MLK campaign today, highlighting the life and achievements of Dr. King. The muti-faceted campaign also aims to increase awareness and understanding of the Civil Rights movement and encourage people to think about January 16 as more than just a day off.

"Founded in the core belief that segregation is, was and has always been wrong, this campaign is intended to make people stop, think and perhaps get a little uncomfortable in the process of realizing the modern day importance of Dr. King's life," said John Livengood, executive creative director at DDB Seattle. "It is from this feeling of being pushed outside your comfort zone that real consideration and progress can be made."

The campaign's theme, Remember Segregation, is reflected in each aspect of the campaign. From a segregated newspaper ad that is guaranteed to raise eyebrows in the Seattle Metro area, to a segregated black-and-white direct mail piece sent to prominent public figures and local high school civics teachers, this campaign will force individuals to confront their personal feelings on segregation, while learning more at the segregated campaign Web site, Remember Segregation.

"Once people get past the initial shock of being asked to choose which column to read or which button to click on to enter the Web site, they'll see that the content is the same," added Livengood. "When you look back, the civil rights movement has been portrayed as tearing apart the country. In retrospect, however, perhaps one of Dr. King's greatest legacies is the way in which he brought so many Americans together."

Here are some screen shots from both entry points of the web site.

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