Urinal-cake ads speak out against drunk driving

Here's a great example of taxpayer money going straight down the drain, quite literally (he he). Michigan officials are fighting drunk driving by placing talking urinal cakes in bars in Wayne, Bay, Ottawa and Delta counties.

Four hundred of the cakes will be distributed to 200 eateries prior to July Fourth, said Anne Readette, spokeswoman for the Office of Highway Safety Planning, a division of the Michigan State Police.
"We're doing this to draw attention to Fourth of July drunk driving enforcement," Readette said.
"We want people to be safe and make responsible decisions."

Source : Detroitnews

And yes, it's the urinal cakes from the very same Wizmark (snicker) company that played you music while you shook hands with the man as Country Music Television used urinal cake media for their campaign back in 2004. For all your Urinal cake ad needs, call Wizmark.

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