7up, starring Buck Nekkid - It's the Mountain Dew of deja vu.

After seeing that 7up has agreed to pull its "Captive Audience" spot, I an reminded of what happened last year with 7up, pixilated nudity and the holier-than-thou American Family Association.

Well, Adland has the naked truth along with the spot that was yanked in 2001. Click "Read more" for mo'.

Since 1999, 7up commercials has done a phenomenal job at reinventing the Uncola in the US. Instead of falling off the radar map (remember Squirt?), it has resurged with spots that not only break out of its surrounding clutter, but also bitchslaps that clutter and has most people clamouring for more.

It was only natural that somebody would get their panties in a bunch over it. The AFA, an organization that has taken upon itself to decide what you can and can not see, was up in arms over a 7up commercial that aired during the pregame of the Super Bowl in 2001 - the Nudist Colony spot.

"Evil!," they decried, with anger and passion galloping throughout their collective naughty bits. They then took a firm grip on their mighty pens, spilled forth the product of their rage and shipped it off to Plano, Texas.

Click here and scroll down on the link's page to read a letter to 7up by assumed Puritan Sue Stenberg . It starts with "We are a 7-member family who have been cheerful consumers of your products for over 20 years..." It's a damn funny read.

For all this noise, 7up appeared to hold its ground, but the spot quickly disappeared. Until now.

View the 7up Nudist Colony spot here -- if you're a Super AdGrunt, that is.

Ironically, the actions of the AFA offended a group of Christian naturists. And let's just say that their sarcastic rebuttal, well, doesn't seem very Christian to me.

Note to 7up: To me, your campaign is brilliant. Plus, I believe my God has a sense of humor. It's your party, so don't let a few party poopers ruin the festivities. Keep the good stuff coming, nekked or not.

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