90s flashback: Giants stomp around the cities in music videos - again.

Well, since we've already dealt with accusations of ads copying videos today, let's see an example of videos copying videos (and ads), shall we? :)

Look at your giant people in that video. Now back at me. Now at your giants in that other video. Now back at me.

Yep, the video to John Dahlbäck's single "Everywhere" is yet another "giants running in the city" video. We've seen this before. Is it possibly "retro" now?

John Dahlbäck - Everywhere - (2010) 3:11


If you've watched any MTV back in the 90s (yes, I am a relic - did you know they used to show videos on MTV!), you will have seen Rolling Stones; "Love is Strong" ..... 

Also, George Michael's "Killer" from -93 even has a club kid pal of mine appearing at 2:48 planting his stylish but giant foot on the Brooklyn Bridge, but most of that video spends its time mocking brand labels.

....and the "giants" style had a long run playing various sports for Coors, in their late nineties "tap the Rockies" campaign.

Coors Light - Tap The Rockies / Volleyball - (1996) :30


So videos feed ad ideas, and the ads then feed videos? Perhaps tech innovations (such as post-production tricks) feed ideas more than we care to think they do.


Either way, if you're not bringing anything else to the giant thing, leave it alone

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