
Ford Report - (1976) - 0:30 (USA)


Ford Trucks Beating - (1976) - 0:30 (USA)

Goodyear Hydroplaning - (1976) - 0:30 (USA)

Goodyear Hydroplaning 2 - (1976) - 0:30 (USA)

Goodyear Song - (1976) - 0:60 (USA)

Quaker State - (1976) - 0:30 (USA)

Texaco - Emerson Fittipaldi Interview (1975) :60 (UK)

"He says, Texaco avoline is the best motor oil money can buy"

Boeing - almost 60 years - (1975) 0:60 (USA)

Chrysler - Carnival - (1975) 0:30 (USA)

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Chrysler - Carnival 2 - (1975) 0:30 (USA)

Chrysler - Carnival 3 - (1975) 0:30 (USA)

Goodyear - Bigfoot 1 - (1975) 0.30 (USA)

Goodyear - Bigfoot 2 - (1975) 0.30 (USA)

Goodyear - Bigfoot 3 - (1975) 0.30 (USA)

Goodyear - Radials - (1975) 0:30 (USA)

Goodyear - Radials - (1975) 0:60 (USA)

Quaker State - Henry - (1975) 0:30 (USA)

Ford - Added Values / They ask (1975) :30 (UK)

Ford Added Values TV ad from 1975 by Ogilvy & Mather "They have the knack of producing the right car, at the right time"

AMC - It's beautiful when you fill it up (1974) printad (USA)

Plan on many kids? This is the car for you.

Triumph Spitfire "How much of a luxury sports car can you buy for around £2000?" print, 1974

Triumph Spitfire advert 1974 from Cosmopolitan magazine.

Honda - Good Things happen on a Honda - (1974) :60 (USA)

Honda Motorcycle

Swedish Transport Administration - Use a seatbelt / Du använder väl bilbälte? (1973) (Sweden)

I would take care of that pretty face if I were you, says the VO watching the model apply makeup - you use a seatbelt, right?

'70s Car Logos Goodyear Radials (1973) (USA)

"If you were thinking of your duster tires on your ..."

General Motors - 'Car roofs' (1973) (USA)

Because we want you to drive what you like, and like what you drive.

Ford Pinto Wagon with Squire Option Ad (1973) - Three basic reasons why the Pinto Wagon is the best-selling economy wagon in America.

Three basic reasons why the Pinto Wagon is the best-selling economy wagon in America.

We built Ford Pinto to live up to Dr. Gibson's indestructible Model T. (1973) printad (USA)

We built Ford Pinto to live up to Dr. Gibson's indestructible Model T.

We built Ford Pinto to follow in the steps of the rugged old Model T. (1973) printad (USA)

We built Ford Pinto to follow in the steps of the rugged old Model T.

The Pinto Runabout. It's the rugged Model A all over again, with a lot more carrying space. (1973 printad)

The Pinto Runabout. It's the rugged Model A all over again, with a lot more carrying space.

Dodge Charger - Ladies day (1973) 0:30 (USA)

Dodge Trucks - Any length - (1973) 0:30 (USA)


Goodyear- Steel Guard - (1973) 0:60 (USA)

OK self-serve gas stations (1973) :60 (Sweden)

Pinto Wagon is the basic wagon idea all over again: lots of space for little money. (1972) printad (USA)

When you get back to basics, you get back to Ford.

Arco - a little more mileage (1972) 0:30 (USA)

Ford Galaxie - what you want - (1972) 0:60 (USA)

Goodyear - Radial Tire - (1972) 0:30 (USA)

Chevelle SS 396 - In ten seconds your resistance will self-destruct (1970) print USA

It's getting tougher and tougher to resist.

1970 Dodge Charger 500 - Beach Proposal / Elliot - (1970) :30 (USA)

If you can handle a change of image..... You could be Dodge material.

Mobile - Detergent Gas / Dirt plane (1970) :30 (USA)

Every car engine has an enemy. Dirt!

Volkswagen - Torture Test - (1970) :30 (USA)

Much like later IKEA ads, VW sold itself on extensive testing of the car, to see that all parts were able to withstand thousands upon thousands of doo

AMC Rebel - Driving Instructor - (1970) 0:30 (USA)

Here's a classic ad that would never fly today, the poor driving instructor is teaching every stereotype in the world how to drive.

Volkswagen - A sports car for people who have better things to spend money on - print 1970, USA

A sports car for people who have better things to spend money on

Hertz - featuring Don Adams and George Washington (1969) :60 (USA)

Hertz featuring Don Adams George Washington

Volkswagen - After 30 Volkswagens, Father Bittman still believes. (1969) printad (USA)

In the beginning, Father Aloysius Bittman bought a bug.

Volkswagen - Volkswagen introduces Medi-car. (1969) printad (USA)

We don't change our car outside each year to make it look different. But we constantly change it inside to make it run better. And last longer.

Volkswagen - Funeral- (1969) 0:60 (USA)

The classic beetle ad, where the young man who saves his pennies and drives a smart gasoline saving car inherits the millions.

Volkswagen - The big one is on the left. (1969) printad (USA)

Don't rub your eyes. It's no illusion.

Volkswagen - We don't have to start from scratch each year. (1969) printad (USA)

We don't have to start from scratch each year. We've been making the same basic VW for so long now, you'd think we'd be bored wit
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Chrysler - Scubadiver - 0:60 (USA) 1969

Apparantly, scuba diving makes you hallucinate - about Chryslers?

Goodyear - Polyglas - 0:30 (USA) 1969

Goodyear Polyglas tire - a happy customers testimonial.

Goodyear - Polyglas tire - 0:30 (USA) 1969

Goodyear Polyglas tire - a happy customers testimonial.

Phillips 66 - anti pollution - 0:30 (USA) 1969

Take a deep breath - smell the air.

Phillips 66 - kid gas stand - 0:30 (USA) 1969

Partial ad. Kids have a gas stand instead of a lemonade stand, serving the Phillips 66 anti pollution oil and gas.

Plymouth - Road Runner - 0:60 (USA) 1969

Celebrity animation characters Road Runner and Wiley Coyote check out some cars together.

Volkswagen - Volkswagen introduces the automatic stick shift (1968) printad (USA)

The Volkswagen Fastback Sedan.

Volkswagen - The world's largest sedan? (1968) printad (USA)

That little thing? The largest? The world's largest sedan?

Volkswagen - Volkswagen introduces the automatic stick shift. (1968) printad (USA)

After lo these many years our humble little bug has gone automatic.

Volkswagen - Our beauty. (1967) printad (USA)

Will it spoil the Volkswagen image?

Ford: "Take the Mustang Pledge" 1967

"I will not..." vs "I will"

Volkswagen - A fast enough fastback. (1967) printad (USA)

Put a Volkswagen fastback in a race with the rest of the fastbacks around today and it would lose hands down.

Volkswagen - How does a little bug survive in the automotive jungle? Inconspicuously. (1967) printad (USA)

It's rarely observed around gas stations. Because it doesn't often need gas.

Volkswagen - For the price of some station wagons and their optional extras, you can buy a VW Station Wagon and this optional extra. (1966) printad (USA)

Volkswagen of America, Inc. Suggested Retail Price, East Coast P.O.E., Local Taxes and Other Dealer Charges, if Any, Additional.

Volkswagen - They Laughed (1966) printad (USA)

3000 B.C. Somebody invented the wheel. It was round and funny. And since the road wasn't invented yet, everybody laughed.

Volkswagen - Don't laugh. - (1966) printad (USA)

A Volkswagen police car may seem like a funny idea to you, but it makes a lot of sense to the city of Scottsboro, Alabama.

Volkswagen - Old Volkswagen Station Wagons never die. (1966) printad (USA)

The things some people can do with an old box.

Volkswagen - The most economical thing about a VW is how long it's economical. (1966) printad (USA)

Unless you've been marooned on a desert island, you probably know the Volkswagen has quite a reputation for being cheap to run.

Volkswagen - We made the car go faster. And the engine go slower. (1966) printad (USA)

We've added a full 3 m.p.h. to the top speed of the Volkswagen.

Volkswagen - Ugly is only skin-deep. (1966) printad (USA)

It may not be much to look at. But beneath that humble exterior beats an air-cooled engine. It won't boil over and ruin your piston rings.

Volkswagen - No. It will not replace the bug. (1965) printad (USA)

No. It will not replace the bug.

Volkswagen - You're missing a lot when you own a Volkswagen. (1965) printad (USA)

A VW has fewer parts than other cars because it needs fewer parts.

Volkswagen - It would be less than honest to call it a station wagon. (1965) printad (USA)

We can't look you square in the eye and call this car a station wagon.

Volkswagen - Will we ever kill the bug? (1965) printad (USA)

Never. How could we?

VW / Volkswagen - Snow plow - (1964)

".....have you ever wondered how the man who drives the snowplow, drives to the snowplow?"

Volkswagen - Snowplow - (1964) :60 (USA)

This legendary ad won a Cannes Gold Lion in 1964

VW Volkswagen - Karmann Ghia paper race - (1963) :30 (USA)

This classic advert never fails to make me laugh.

Volkswagen - "That's a load off our front." - printad, 1963

1963 VOLNAGER OF AMERICA, INC. That's a load off our front. Now you know why the Volkswagen Station Wagon has that sawed-off look.


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