
Kiki Design Atelier, Japan, 1967

Gardisette - Curtain shopping (1967) :30 (Sweden)

Casco Snabb Radar / Insect spray - A whole summer without insects (1967) printad (Sweden)

Radar i båten - Radar i tältet ... (och i sommarstugan, husvagnen och på resan förstås). Det är bästa sommarförsäkringen på irriterande insekter.

Gladpack - new plastic wrap (1967) :30 (Sweden)

Nordiska Kompaniet - Vårens möbeltrender / Spring interior decoration styles (1967) 2:25 (Sweden)

Continuing on where the fashion show left off, we take the escalator up to the furniture department to find all the new interior decorating trends of

Vips Diskmedel - Dishwashing liquid / "Good dish help" (1967) 1:55 (Sweden)

"Bra Diskhjälp"

Chunky Dog Food - Gourmet - (1966) :40 (UK)

Clement Freud explains that today is the second anniversary of his operation, so he's prepared a gourmet meal for his best friend.

Allduk - Cleaning Wipes (1966) 2:00 (Sweden)

The kids are messy, but that's okay as the super blond house-frau has "Allduk", which works both wet and dry.

Endust - White Glove Test (1965) :30 (USA)

Kanebo wool, Japan, 1965.

Fairy - Leslie Ash / bowling with bottles - (1964) :60 (UK)

Leslie Ash is the little girl in the 1964 Fairy advert

Ajax - You're beautiful (1963) printad (USA)

Saran Wrap - Have Your Cake ... and keep it too! (1963) printads (USA)

Here's how you can save your cake and all of that flavor.

Sanforized Plus - Is there a skeleton in your closet? (1963) printad (USA)

Is there a skeleton in your closet?
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Mr Clean - Cleans your whole house / jingle - (1958) :60 (USA)

A classic animated Mr Clean jingle, he cleans your whole house!

Bris Soap - Bibi Andersson & Ingmar Bergman "Prinsessan och svinaherden" (1953) :90 (Sweden)

Some sites will erroneously call this Bibi Andersson's screen debut. They are wrong.


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