Bowlmor Lanes - "Getting jumped in an alley has never been this much fun"....

So, in the midst of a rash of park assaults in Manhattan, Bowlmor Lanes thought, "Let's add some humor to the mix!"

Their brilliant idea? A subway ad suggesting that getting attacked in an alley is a blast.

NOW NYC, the buzzkills for women's rights, had the audacity to complain about the ad.

Bowlmor's CEO, Tom Shannon, called their concerns "extreme and laughable."

Because, you know, making light of serious issues is just hilarious. But wait, it gets better - the ad's defenders claim it's just a playful twist on "bowling alley." Classic case of misinterpretation, right? Either way, the ad campaign is now resting in peace, or maybe just in pieces.

Bravo, Bowlmor, for your unparalleled wit and sensitivity.

Creator: Bailey Keefe
Photographer: Sean Murphy
Snog Productions

A genuine reaction from the public graffitied on the ad. "Not cool!"
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