Bud Light - Ladies night / Pool table (1994) :30 (USA)

The concept of "Ladies' Night" has been a popular marketing tactic for bars and nightclubs for many years, and this is a follow-up to the previous Bud Light ad simply called "Ladies' Night". It typically involves offering discounts or free drinks to women on a specific night of the week, in an effort to attract more female customers and create a lively and inclusive atmosphere. However, this practice has also been criticized by some as discriminatory, as it can be seen as excluding male customers.

In this ad, a group of guys dress up in drag to take advantage of the Ladies' Night promotion and win at pool. I mean, who wouldn't want to save a few bucks on drinks while also showing off their pool skills? But as they say, karma's a...well, you know.

Just as the guys are about to claim their prize, they are met by the reigning champion, who is also a man in drag. It's like a scene straight out of a Shakespearean comedy, with mistaken identities and unexpected twists.

But the real kicker is the message about cheating. Sure, it might seem like a good idea in the moment, but as this commercial shows, cheating will get you nowhere if there are other people cheating too. And let's be honest, getting caught with your pants down - or in this case, your skirt up - is never a good look.

In the end, this Bud Light commercial is a hilarious reminder that sometimes, it's best to just play fair and enjoy the party. After all, who needs to cheat when you've got good friends, good drinks, and a good time?

Client: Anheuser-Busch
Brand: Bud Light

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