Migdal Health Insurace - Hot Technician (Israel) :45 (2014)

Upon discovering that her cat scan technician is a very handsome man, the lady is upset that her appointment will be in only two days thanks to her insurance because she won't have time to go on a diet, fix her hair, get her nails done...

Advertised brand: Migdal Insurance and Financial Holdings Ltd. 

Advert title(s): Migdal – Health insurance   

Advertising Agency: Bruckner Yaar Levi, Tel-Aviv, Israel

Agency website: http://bnyadv.co.il/

Art Director: Tal Keisari

Copywriter: Dror Lavi

Account Supervisor: Yarden Enosh

Account Executive:  Lee Duek

Planning: Aviv Shener

Head of Strategic Planning: Asaf sides

Media Director:  Carmit Dori, Linda Yachbas

Office Producer:  Sivan Leshed, Tali Sasson

Additional credits:


Published: October 2014

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