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Qantas - I still call Australia home / Choir (1998) 2min (Australia)

Shortly before the 1999 Superbowl, and during the Australian broadcast of the opening of the 1998 Commonwealth Games, a very special Qantas commercial

Pepsi - Straw (1995) - 0:30 (USA)

Kid sucks himself straight into the Pepsi bottle. Because we can do this in post now.

Pepsi - Chimps / Chimp experiment (1994) - 0:45 (USA)

Chimps are popular! This ad won the USA Today's annual Super Bowl Ad Meter in 1994.

AT&T; - You Will/Book (1993) 0:30 (US)

Have you ever crossed the country, without stopping for directions? Or sent someone a fax - from the beach? You will.

AT&T - You Will/Door (1993) 0:30 (USA)

Pepsi - Corey Feldman - How You'll Spend Your Life (1993) :60 (USA)

How many years of your life you will spend doing stuff like eating, sleeping, and sitting on the toilet.

Pripps Blå - "Blå Blå Vindar och vatten" / Blue Blue winds and waters (1993) :30 (Sweden)

There are two things true about Swedish summers - they are full of mosquitos and Pripps Blue beer ads ads situated near water.

Diet Pepsi - Ray Charles - Uh Huh - Everywhere (1992) :60 (USA)

Did you know that the drink with "One hundred percent uh-huh" is everywhere now?

Jordache - Find That Girl (1992) - 0:15 (USA)

Gotta find that girl in Jordache jeans. She's the prettiest girl I've ever seen.
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Heineken - The long journey - (1992) 0:90 (UK)

carts on beaches and in woods all gather themselves and return to the shopping market. Even a cocktail cart in a shop wants to join them.

Old Milwaukee - Swedish Bikini Team "Surf Bikinis" / The Shark Fins (1991) :30 (USA)

"It doesn't get any better than this..." Doug Patterson was wrong.

Bud Light - Everything else is just a light (1991) :30 (USA)

Bud Light - 1991

Diet Pepsi - "The Right One" (1989) :60 (USA)

This ad is peak late eighties with all the stylish shots of everyone doing all sorts of things, like swimming, dancing, horseback riding, running alon

Diet Coke - The Move Is On - long (1989) - 0:60 (USA)

Don Johnson says "something's going on" to kick off the jingle

ZINGO - Los Angeles with Swedish Egil (1988) :30 (Sweden)

Swedish Egil's career began as a club DJ in Scandinavia and Europe. In the 80s, Egil created an overnight buzz on L.A.

Zingo - Anybody want a Zingo? Jamaica (1988) :30 (Sweden)

The jingle sets off as soon as the man yells "Anybody want a Zingo?"

Zingo - Mexico / Anyone want any Zingo? (1988) (Sweden)

Zingo ads were basically a jingle that begins playing after the initial call "Anyone want any Zingo?"

Alamo - Florida Keys (1988) - 0:30 (USA)

Isuzu Pup - Joe Isuzu - Island (1987) - 0:30 (USA)

Apple Macintosh - The Home Office (1986) :30 (USA)

"I keep telling you guys, the worst place to get any work done is at work"

Discover - Dawn of Discover (1986) :60 (USA)

This is the dawn of Discovercard, they sing in the jingle to a montage of weddings, beach vacations,

Mattel - Sun Gold Malibu Barbie (early 1980s classic) 0:30 (USA)

She can tan and has sunglasses!

American Express - Seve Ballesteros Soccer at the beach (1984) :30 (UK)

American Express ad with Seve Ballesteros

Old Milwaukee - East Point Maine (1984) :30 (USA)

East point Maine, summer fun, lobster fishing, clams, family fun on the rocky beach and of course - beer!

Anheuser Busch LA Beer - For the way you live today LA (1983) :30 (USA)

Before they even called it a low-carb diet, Anheuser Busch launched a low alcohol beer for the gymbros who wanted a beer but not so much buzz.

Purina Dog Chow - Danny Boy (1984) - 0:30 (USA)

Father and son walk their dog on the beach, as son asks how old their dog will get.

I Love New York - Foreign Intrigue (1982) :60 (USA)

"I'm from Kyoto, but I love New York"

Colman's Mustard - Jarvis the butler - (1981) :40 (UK)

In France between the wars, the aristocrat's new butler Jarvis swims to England because he forgot the mustard.

General Mills - Trix / Beach spy (1981) :30 (USA)

"It's the cereal I treasure, delicious fruit-flavored Trix..."  Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids!

Lowenbrau - Beach (1981) - 0:30 (USA)

Camel - Satisfaction, Camel Filters style - 1978 print USA

Some men taste it all. Rich warm flavor. Smooth even taste. Solid satisfaction.

United - Sunbirds (1980) - 0:30 (USA)

Northwestern - Comes A Time (1980) - 0:30 (USA)

Cie Perfume - Candice Bergen - I love things unplanned (1980) :30 (USA)

"For every mood, for every moment, it's always Cie"

RC Cola - Beach / Bikini / Victoria Quilter (1976) :30 (Australia)

That's quite a catchy jingle.

Benson & Hedges - Two weeks / Desert Island (1976) :30 (UK)

"How I survived, I'll never know" he then tells us the pitch that it takes two weeks to get used to Silk Cut.

Schlitz - Surfers (1976) - 0:30 (USA)

There is just one word for beer. Mmm'kay?

Can you spot the Camel Filters smoker? print, 1974

Almost everyone at the beach today has a gimmick. Find the one who doesn't. 

Guinness - Beach / Guinness Cold (1971) :30 (UK)

Cold Guinness was a new idea, so in this ad, a clever pub landlord walks out on the beach to pour himself an ice-cold Guinness, which causes a stamped

1970 Dodge Charger 500 - Beach Proposal / Elliot - (1970) :30 (USA)

If you can handle a change of image..... You could be Dodge material.

Movie Star ruffly thing and Julie Numar Catwoman 1970

Julie Newmar catwoman Movie Star ruffly thing

Tampax tampons - Free to be whatever you do - 1969, print

Free to be whatever you do

Camel - They're not for everybody - 0:30 (USA) 1969

"Do you have those cigarettes with them cute little holes?" Camel shows it's no-nonsense colors.

Summer Blonde® "Say the sun did it" print 1968 USA

"Say the sun did it"

Jantzen - When your number one, says Cousy, you don't have to try as hard - 1965, print

"This is the philosophy of the Jantzen International Sports Club: Relax, enjoy and stay on top. When it's water, insist on staying on top.


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