
Salesforce “This is a Mask” (2020) :90 (USA)

Salesforce’s new video “This Is A Mask” is a tribute to private partnerships for public good, and the many fast-moving, integrated people and systems

Makeup And Vanity Set - Algorithm - music video as short story (2020)

The hentai and 4chan screens in the background on this guy's computer really makes this quite entertaining to watch.

Lawn Doctor "Thick green grass" (2020) :15 (USA)


Apple "iPad Pro What's a computer' (2017) 1:00 (USA)

Even the cutesy premise of a little kid biking around the city doing All Kinds Of Things on their iPad Pro can't make up for the fact that no mat

Apple "iPad Pro: No PC viruses" (2017) :30 (USA)

Apple continues mining every day social media for ideas, in this case to convince people that laptops need to go because iPad Pros don't get PC v

Apple "iPad Pro What's a Computer" (2016) :30 (UK)

IBM Watson - Tom Watson Retires (2016) :30 (USA)

IBM Watson - The North Face / Tom Spaletto (2016) :30 (USA)

According to Tom Spaletto, CEO of The North Face, IBM's Watson is a valuable partner in enhancing customer gear recommendations.

Centraal-Beheer - Welcome in (Even Apeldoorn Bellen) - (2015) :90 (The Netherlands)

Ad number 57 in this amazingly long-running campaign shows two very lucky thieves as they're targeting a very expensive house.
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Titleist NXT - John Cleese - Worm (2004) 0:30 (USA)

Robert Trent Jones II vs. Ian MacCallister

C.E.A.R - Refugee Delete - (1999) 0:30 (Spain)

You can't just delete refugees like you empty your trash like on a computer. 

Apple - Diner (1993) :90 (USA)

Two men are struggling with their laptop in a diner.

Commodore - Zortek / Learning game (1983) :30 (USA)

Given a choice between learning computing, and playing games, which do you think a kid would choose?

Memorex - Live vs computer graphics - (1981) :30 (USA)

The question asked with rainbow colored computer graphics help - is it live or is it memorex?

Coleco - Adam - Homework (CA classic) - 0:30 (USA)

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