
Aldi "Good swap sauna" (2021) :30 (UK)

There are good swaps, and there are bad swaps.

Blue Kite Cinema - Forgetful Bats - a quarantine short film (2020) 20:00 (USA)

Here is an interesting short film that showcases the extent of creative capital that can be achieved within a single household.
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Bud Light - Dude - long version variation (2007) :60 (USA)

Variation on the "dude" dudes use of the word "dude".
1 Comment

Verizon Wireless - Schmitty - 2 (2006) :30 (USA)

My Name's Schmitty, I have a job.

Tampax - Thief - full (2005) 0:30 (USA)

Nothing will stop this girl from sneaking into Kim's bathroom and get the tampons.

Verizon Wireless - Schmitty - variant (2004) 0:30 (USA)

Schmitty's roommates are up to their shenanigans again.

WWE - Ring (2002) - 0:30 (USA)

Subscribe to roommate