Things happen after a Badedas bath - helicopter dame 1969 (UK)

(They say it's got something to do with the horse chestnuts.)

The green badedas waters, which bubble like vintage champagne. The mysterious action of a special extract of horse chestnuts.

The fresh smell of deep green continental forests.

But it's what happens afterwards that counts. To the new, invigorated, re-born you.

What happens? Quite simply. Lebenslust. Which the British, masters of understatement, call joie de vivre.


Now, I used to bathe in this all the time, and never, not once, did a foxy babe in a white fox tail fur coat land with a white helicopter on my yard. But you never know, it could happen! This ad was in the April issue of the Observer Magazine, 1969. 

(They say it's got something to do with the horse chestnuts.)
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