TV2 says punters don't watch ads shown on TV2

What a way to diss your main income - TV2 bossman let Politiken know what their real reason for dropping all their advertising slots during the live full day coverage of the Royal wedding this Friday in Copenhagen was.

»Når der kommer reklameblokke, er der tendenser til, at seerne zapper, og det vil vi ikke risikere«, siger Lasse Bjerre.

In English: When it comes to advertising slots, there's tendencies that the viewers will 'zap' [to other channels], and we don't want to risk that".
I dunno about you guys but I'd reconsider buying any ad slots on a TV-channel who knows full well and happily announces that their viewers zap away from them. Of course we all do, it's what remotes were invented for, but still.

2,6 million people watched the live 20-hour coverage - that's half the Danish population folks - and on average a Dane watched 5 hours and 52 minutes of the fairytale wedding. But no ads, instead the show hosts spent most of the day ad libbing like nuts.

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