UNICEF Venezuela - Breast Milk is Liquid Gold - case study, p.o.s and PSA

In Venezuela over 70% of mothers do not breastfeed. Unicef set out to change this, as mothers milk really is better, and with Leo Burnett they turned breastmilk into a brand ready to compete with all the formulas out there. There was packaging in stores, with a stylistic breast drawn on it of course, and commercials to boot. Barkach explains :

We made a logo, a package and a whole advertising campaign to promote BreastMilk as a brand, in order to compete hand by hand, advertisingly speaking, against all the artificial formulas in the market. ... Is a David versus Goliath kind of fight, that is why we are arming David with a Bazooka.

You mean a BOOBzooka, don't you? Sorry, sorry, it's late. The commercial shows how a father tells the mother that he'll take care of the baby's night crying. He then proceeds to go through the bottle ritual of shaking the bottle (mom), checking temperature, before giving the milk to baby. Yes, this might look a bit funny, but it does highlight what a pain-in-the-*ss formula is, when you can just sleepily snuggle baby without having to do any bottle-shaking at all with real breast milk. Yeay boobies!


​Here's the complete case study. Sadly, not subtitled.

Agency: Leo Burnett - Venezuela Client: UNICEF Venezuela Executive Creative Director: Fabian Bonelli Creative Director: Ali Armas Copywriter: Julian Guarin Barkach Copywriter: Andrea Gil Art Director: Eduardo Gomes Art Director: Johan Boscan Agency Producer: Nivia Cuevas Agency Producer: Magaly Mayo Agency Producer: Domi Maurice

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